| Lilly |
♀Spayed female Alaskan Husky |
Born on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 in the "Modern Family" litter. |
Eats 1,350 to 2,025 calories per day. $490 per year. |
Runs 3 times a day and plays with the "Free Range" group. |
11 years 9 months 26 days old and valued at $3,500,000 |
Tiny, vocal, cute, so incredibly sweet with kids. She can be a bit nasty with other dogs on 1st meetings but she plays very well after she let's everyone know she is boss. She is already such a good leader and at such a young age. If she were bigger, she'd be absolutely perfect as a lead. Right now she runs well at lead as long as she doesn't have to make the other dog go her direction, they all outweigh and out muscle her. |
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